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UKS2 Writing
Focus for development
Foundational Triangle
Some overview elements
Unpicking the grammar statements of the national curriculum
Revising booklet
BINGO colour version
Notes about dialogue
Start of the mozart question dialogue
Dialogue models
Developing dialogue Garfield
Dialogue scaffolding example
moving the action forward
The Phantom of Black Isle
The Town Mouse and the Country Mouse short story example
Extract from rising stars book broken bike
Dialogue criteria
mozart question part 2 scene
Coraline example
Skellig describing the garage
Describing scenes prepositions
planning a description template
Planning templates
Progression in writing information texts and non-chronological reports
UKS2 handbook developing information texts
UKS2 information texts booklet sentence list for easy reference
A3 LKS2 useful sentence reference sheet for pupils
A3 UKS2 more useful sentence reference sheet for pupils
KS2 information text sentence examples small cards
BINGO colour version information texts
Active and Passive voice information texts
Editing station cards
KS2 Animals example EXP
KS2 History of the plague example
Diary Writing
Progression in diary writing
skills in diary writing
Different types of diary examples
Methods of planning diary entries
Comparing two diary entries
Diary of a killer cat by Anne Fine humerous diary
Extracts from Anne Franks diary
Using Anne Franks diary as a model
Out of the Ashes activity 1 Michael Morpogo fictional entry
Out of the Ashes 2 Michael Morpogo
Out of the ashes 3 Michael Morpogo
Stone age diary example
Diary Entry activity Samuel Pepys links to history
Year 6 Diary entries Macbeth
Combined into one document
Teach online with
Developing dialogue Garfield
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