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Progression in Handwriting
Diagonal joins: Set 1 (ai, aw, an, ar,)
SET 1: Introduction
ai : Join video (3:04)
ai : Challenge 1 video (aim, aid, again, fail) (8:08)
ai : Challenge 2 video (afraid, remain) (4:10)
aw : Join video (2:56)
aw: Challenge 1 video (awe away saw) (5:22)
aw: Challenge 2 video (lawn) (1:39)
an : Join video (2:08)
an: Challenge 1 video (and any pan than) (7:28)
ar: join video (4:03)
ar : Challenge 1 video (harp mark scar) (7:36)
SET 1: Activities
SET 1: Assessment
Diagonal joins: Set 2 (ir, im, iu, in, ie, ice, iv, ix, is, ik)
Set 2 Introduction
ir: join video (3:21)
im: join video (3:59)
iu: join and challenge (medium) (6:19)
in: join video (1:24)
Challenge: (time, win, mine) (10:13)
ie: join video (1:54)
Challenge (pie, tie) (4:55)
ice: join video (2:41)
SET 2: Activities
SET 2: Assessment
Diagonal joins: Set 3 (un, um, ur, us, up)
Set 3 introduction
un join
um join (1:51)
um challenge video (mum, hum) (2:38)
ur join (1:44)
ur challenge video (purse) (3:41)
us join (2:34)
us challenge video (use, bus) (2:57)
up join (1:34)
up challenge video (cup, upon) (3:29)
SET 3 Activities
SET 3 Extra challenge words
SET 3 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 4 (er, ey, ex, ew, es, ev, en)
SET 4 Introduction
er: join video (2:36)
ey: join video (2:06)
Challenge: ey (they, key) (3:09)
ex: join video (2:14)
Challenge: er and ex (herb, text, hexagon) (8:36)
ew: join video (1:47)
Challenge: ew (few, screw) (4:36)
es: join video (2:01)
ev: join video (1:30)
Challenge: es and ev (best, chest, ever, every) (5:23)
en: join video (1:23)
Challenge: en (even, event) (2:37)
SET 4 activities
SET 4 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 5 (li, le, ly, lo)
Set 5 Introduction
li: join video (1:38)
le: join video (1:37)
Challenge: li, le (like, lively, little, handle) (6:11)
ly: join video (1:46)
lo: join video (1:26)
Challenge: lo, ly (only, look, love, lovely) (5:46)
SET 5 Activities
SET 5 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 6 (ky, kn, ki, ke)
SET 6 Introduction
ky: join video (2:38)
kn: join video (2:09)
ki: join video (1:40)
ke: join video (1:23)
Super challenge: ky, kn, ki, ke (lucky, know, kite, cake, take, make) (6:38)
SET 6 Activities
SET 6 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 7 (hy, he, ha, hi. hu, hr)
Set 7 Introduction
hy: join video (1:39)
he: join video (1:49)
ha: join video (2:08)
hi: join video (1:43)
hu: join video (1:53)
hr: join video
Super challenge: hy, hu, hi, he, ha (why, him, the, this, have, hurt) (7:53)
SET 7 Activities
SET 7 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 8 (ci, cir, ce)
SET 8 introduction
ci and cir: join video (1:35)
ce: join video (1:02)
Challenge: cir, ce (circle, once) (3:40)
SET 8 Activities
SET 8 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 9 (sa, sp, se, sc, sn, ns)
SET 9 Introduction
sa: join video (1:44)
sp: join video (1:47)
Challenge: sa, sp (said, spill, special) (5:14)
se: join video (1:29)
sc: join video (1:22)
Challenge: se, sc (sense, science) (3:02)
sn and ns: joins video (2:06)
Challenge: sn and ns (snail, runs) (3:08)
SET 9 Activities
SET 9 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 10 (tw, tr, ti)
Set 10 Introduction
tw: join video (1:23)
tr: join video (2:17)
ti: join video (2:08)
Challenge: tw, tr, ti (twist, trick, twice, try, tidy) (5:32)
SET 10 Activities
SET 10 Assessment
Diagonal joins SET 11 (no, ny, na)
SET 11 Introduction
no: join video (1:51)
ny: join video (1:42)
na: join video (1:10)
Challenge: no, ny, na (not, knock, any, many, nap) (6:00)
SET 11 Activities
SET 11 Self assessment
Diagonal joins SET 12 (ma, me, my, mb)
SET 12 introduction
ma: join video (1:51)
me: join video (1:26)
my: join video (1:58)
mb: join video (1:17)
Challenge: ma, me, my, mb (any, many, women, mummy, crumb) (5:13)
SET 12 Activities
SET 12 Self assessment
Diagonal joins - REVIEW sets 1 to 12
Cue cards for all the joins in sets 1 to 12
Self assessment for all the joins in sets 1 to 12
SET 13 (ag, ac) Diagonal joins with anticlockwise elements
SET 13 Introduction
SET 13 Activities
SET 13 Self assessment
SET 14 (ig, ing, eg, ng, dg, da, ud)
SET 14 Introduction
SET 14 Activities
SET 14 Self assessment
SET 15 (nq, sq, iq, eq)
SET 15 Introduction
SET 15 Activities
SET 15 Self Assessment
SET 16 (ea, ad, ed, id)
SET 16 Introduction
SET 16 Activities
SET 16 Self Assessment
SET 17 (do, to)
SET 17 Introduction
SET 17 Activities
SET 17 Self assessment
REVIEW Sets 13 to 17 Diagonal joins with anticlockwise elements
Cue cards for all the joins sets 13 to 17
Self assessment for all the joins in sets 13 to 17
SET 18 (al, ak, at)
SET 18 Introduction
SET 18 Activities
SET 18 Self assessment
SET 19 (id, ide, il, ill, ik, it)
SET 19 Introduction
SET 19 Activities
SET 19 Self assessment
SET 20 (ut, ull, ub)
SET 20 Introduction
SET 20 Activities
SET 20 Self assessment
SET 21 (el, et)
SET 21 Introduction
SET 21 Activities
SET 21 Self assessment
SET 22 (ck, ch, ct, cl)
SET 22 Introduction
SET 22 Activities
SET 22 Self assessment
SET 23 (th)
SET 23 Introduction
SET 23 Activities
SET 23 Self-assessment
SET 24 (sh, sk, sl, st)
SET 24 Introduction
SET 24 Activities
SET 24 Self assessment
SET 25 (mb, nt)
SET 25 Introduction
SET 25 Activities
SET 25 Self assessment
SET 26 (if, ef, uf, lf, nf, af)
SET 26 Introduction
SET 26 Activities
SET 26 Self assessment
REVIEW Sets 18 to 26 Diagonal joins with ascenders
Cue cards for all the joins in sets 18 to 26
Self assessment for all the joins in sets 18 to 26
Teach online with
SET 15 Self Assessment
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